Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Amount | decimal number |
Range: between 0 and 1.79769313486232E+308, including |
CustomVatRate | decimal number |
None. |
DateCreated | date |
None. |
DateLastChange | date |
None. |
Id |
Resource identifier |
integer |
Readonly |
IsCustomVat |
Indicates if item has custom Vat value |
boolean |
None. |
ItemType | IssuedInvoiceItemType |
None. |
Name | string |
Length: between 0 and 200 inclusive |
Price | decimal number |
None. |
PriceListItemId | integer |
None. |
PriceTotalWithoutVat | decimal number |
None. |
PriceTotalWithoutVatHc | decimal number |
None. |
PriceTotalWithVat | decimal number |
None. |
PriceTotalWithVatHc | decimal number |
None. |
PriceType | PriceType |
None. |
PriceUnitHc | decimal number |
None. |
Unit | string |
Length: between 0 and 20 inclusive |
UnitPrice | decimal number |
None. |
VatCodeId | integer |
None. |
VatRate | decimal number |
None. |
VatRateType | VatRateType |
None. |
VatTotal | decimal number |
None. |
VatTotalHc | decimal number |
None. |