Request Information
Returns sales receipt with related entities by Id.
Example URL:
Response Information
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Data |
List of entities on this page |
Collection of SalesReceiptApiModelExpand |
None. |
TotalItems |
Total number of entries |
integer |
None. |
TotalPages |
Total number of pages |
integer |
None. |
{ "Data": [ { "Currency": { "Code": "sample string 1", "Country": "sample string 2", "Name": "sample string 3", "Priority": 4, "Symbol": "sample string 5", "Id": 6 }, "Partner": { "BankAccounts": [ { "Bank": { "Code": "sample string 1", "Country": { "Code": "sample string 1", "Currency": { "Code": "sample string 1", "Country": "sample string 2", "Name": "sample string 3", "Priority": 4, "Symbol": "sample string 5", "Id": 6 }, "CurrencyId": 2, "DateLastChange": "2024-08-30T10:17:05.9491947+00:00", "Name": "sample string 4", "NameEnglish": "sample string 5", "IsEuMember": true, "Id": 7 }, "CountryId": 2, "DateLastChange": "2024-08-30T10:17:05.9491947+00:00", "Name": "sample string 4", "NumberCode": "sample string 5", "Swift": "sample string 6", "IsOutOfDate": true, "Id": 8 }, "Currency": { "Code": "sample string 1", "Country": "sample string 2", "Name": "sample string 3", "Priority": 4, "Symbol": "sample string 5", "Id": 6 }, "DateLastChange": "2024-08-30T10:17:05.9491947+00:00", "IsDefault": true, "CurrencyId": 3, "AccountNumber": "sample string 4", "BankId": 1, "Iban": "sample string 5", "Name": "sample string 6", "Swift": "sample string 7", "Id": 8 } ], "Country": { "Code": "sample string 1", "Currency": { "Code": "sample string 1", "Country": "sample string 2", "Name": "sample string 3", "Priority": 4, "Symbol": "sample string 5", "Id": 6 }, "CurrencyId": 2, "DateLastChange": "2024-08-30T10:17:05.9491947+00:00", "Name": "sample string 4", "NameEnglish": "sample string 5", "IsEuMember": true, "Id": 7 }, "AddressIdg": "23498ce3-067c-4689-89bc-1bdaf69aa6af", "CreditCheck": 0, "DateLastChange": "2024-08-30T10:17:05.9491947+00:00", "DefaultBankAccount": { "Bank": { "Code": "sample string 1", "Country": { "Code": "sample string 1", "Currency": { "Code": "sample string 1", "Country": "sample string 2", "Name": "sample string 3", "Priority": 4, "Symbol": "sample string 5", "Id": 6 }, "CurrencyId": 2, "DateLastChange": "2024-08-30T10:17:05.9491947+00:00", "Name": 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"sample string 12", "Phone": "sample string 13", "PostalCode": "sample string 14", "Street": "sample string 15", "Surname": "sample string 16", "Title": "sample string 17", "VatIdentificationNumber": "sample string 18", "VatIdentificationNumberSk": "sample string 19", "Www": "sample string 20" }, "CurrencyId": 1, "DateOfIssue": "2024-08-30T10:17:05.9491947+00:00", "DocumentNumber": "sample string 3", "DocumentSerialNumber": 4, "EetResponsibility": 0, "ExchangeRate": 5.0, "ExchangeRateAmount": 6.0, "Exported": 0, "ExternalDocumentNumber": "sample string 7", "Imported": 0, "IsAccounted": true, "IsCumulative": true, "IsEet": true, "MyDocumentAddress": { "AccountNumber": "sample string 1", "Bank": "sample string 2", "BankNumberCode": "sample string 3", "City": "sample string 4", "Country": "sample string 5", "CountryId": 1, "DateLastChange": "2024-08-30T10:17:05.9491947+00:00", "Email": "sample string 7", "Fax": "sample string 8", "Firstname": "sample string 9", "Iban": "sample string 10", "IdentificationNumber": "sample string 11", "Mobile": "sample string 12", "NickName": "sample string 13", "Phone": "sample string 14", "PostalCode": "sample string 15", "Street": "sample string 16", "Surname": "sample string 17", "Swift": "sample string 18", "Title": "sample string 19", "VatIdentificationNumber": "sample string 20", "VatIdentificationNumberSk": "sample string 21", "Www": "sample string 22", "Id": 23 }, "Name": "sample string 11", "PartnerDocumentAddress": { "AccountNumber": "sample string 1", "Bank": "sample string 2", "BankNumberCode": "sample string 3", "City": "sample string 4", "Country": "sample string 5", "CountryId": 1, "DateLastChange": "2024-08-30T10:17:05.9491947+00:00", "Email": "sample string 7", "Fax": "sample string 8", "Firstname": "sample string 9", "Iban": "sample string 10", "IdentificationNumber": "sample string 11", "Mobile": "sample string 12", "NickName": "sample string 13", "Phone": "sample string 14", "PostalCode": "sample string 15", "Street": "sample string 16", "Surname": "sample string 17", "Swift": "sample string 18", "Title": "sample string 19", "VatIdentificationNumber": "sample string 20", "VatIdentificationNumberSk": "sample string 21", "Www": "sample string 22", "Id": 23 }, "PartnerId": 1, "RegisteredSale": { "BaseTaxBasicRateHc": 1.0, "BaseTaxReducedRate1Hc": 2.0, "BaseTaxReducedRate2Hc": 3.0, "BaseTaxZeroRateHc": 4.0, "Bkp": "sample string 5", "CancelledRegisteredSaleId": 1, "CashVoucherId": 1, "DateOfAnswer": "2024-08-30T10:17:05.9491947+00:00", "DateOfSale": "2024-08-30T10:17:05.9491947+00:00", "DateOfSend": "2024-08-30T10:17:05.9491947+00:00", "DocumentNumber": "sample string 9", "DocumentType": 0, "EetRegime": 0, "ErrorCode": 10, "ErrorText": "sample string 11", "Fik": "sample string 12", "IsCanceled": true, "IsFirstReport": true, "IssuedInvoiceId": 1, "IssuedInvoicePaymentId": 1, "Pkp": "sample string 15", "ReceiptNumber": "sample string 16", "SalesOfficeDesignation": 17, "SalesPosEquipmentDesignation": "sample string 18", "SalesPosEquipmentId": 1, "SalesReceiptId": 1, "Status": 0, "TaxBasicRateHc": 19.0, "TaxReducedRate1Hc": 20.0, "TaxReducedRate2Hc": 21.0, "TotalAdvancePayment": 22.0, "TotalFromAdvancePayment": 23.0, "TotalTravelServiceHc": 24.0, "TotalUsedGoodsBasicRateHc": 25.0, "TotalUsedGoodsReducedRate1Hc": 26.0, "TotalUsedGoodsReducedRate2Hc": 27.0, "TotalWithVatHc": 28.0, "Uuid": "9d124983-ce3b-4798-b732-ad9779c68df7", "VatIdentificationNumber": "sample string 30", "Id": 31 }, "SalesPosEquipmentId": 1, "SalesReceiptItems": [ { "Amount": 1.0, "CashVoucherItemId": 1, "ItemType": 0, "Name": "sample string 2", "Price": 3.0, "PriceListItemId": 1, "PriceTotalWithoutVat": 4.0, "PriceTotalWithoutVatHc": 5.0, "PriceTotalWithVat": 6.0, "PriceTotalWithVatHc": 7.0, "PriceType": 0, "Rank": 8, "SalesReceiptId": 9, "Unit": "sample string 10", "VatRate": 11.0, "VatRateType": 0, "VatTotal": 12.0, "VatTotalHc": 13.0, "Id": 14 } ], "SalesReceiptPayments": [ { "PaymentAmount": 1.0, "PaymentOptionId": 2, "PaymentTransactionCode": "sample string 3", "SalesReceiptId": 4, "Id": 5 } ], "TotalVat": 12.0, "TotalVatHc": 13.0, "TotalWithoutVat": 14.0, "TotalWithoutVatHc": 15.0, "TotalWithVat": 16.0, "TotalWithVatHc": 17.0, "IsIncomeTax": true, "RecountVersion": 0, "VatRegime": 0, "Id": 18 } ], "TotalItems": 1, "TotalPages": 1 }
Sample not available.
Sample not available.